
Together we can boost employee morale through employee giving programs and workplace campaigns.

Employee Giving

Your employees are important to you, to us, and to ending global poverty.

Discover some of the ways that your staff can get involved in the fight against poverty. We have a track record of designing and facilitating events and activities guaranteed to inspire.

Opportunities for Employee Engagement

Enable your employees to support Oxfam through payroll deduction. It's an easy way to give and make a difference. HR sets up an account, we fill out a form through Revenue Canada, we set up an account and send you a regular report. Just like that!

Oxfam's Pailwalker is a unique teambuilding experience designed to engage your team around global issues. Your employees will walk 1km in solidarity with the countless women and girls worldwide who walk a minimum of 6km a day to get water.

Workplace events, such as casual Fridays or a bake sale, are fun and easy ways to support Oxfam while engaging your employees in our mission.

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